Republicans who dealt with Obama’s win in the 2008 election by constantly saying president “elect” have switched to the more ominous president “for now.”
Cosmo’s “369 things your guy thinks when you’re naked” wins Pulitzer for investigative journalism and original concept.
Skippy recalls peanut products because “everyone else was doing it.”
Blink 182 unanimously decides to abandon individual goals and musical endeavors as they remember money was why they got into music in the first place.
Jack Nicholson finally gets credit for his Heath Ledger prediction and gave an honoroary storm warning at his local weather channel.
A-rod denies not taking not performance-unenhancing drugs.
President Obama’s first act of office bans torture. Sandra Bullock and Guantanomo Bay were shut down as a result.
Rogue Pictures decided to cut the bullshit and named Channing Tatum’s new movie about fighting, “Fighting.”
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