This is one of the most ridiculous conversations I have ever had with a human being. I swear on my life that nothing has been edited, deleted, or changed. I oath it. This conversation took place in high school and this girl, Lau Babii, is not playing along, she is not a friend of mine, and she is not humoring me. She is genuine, and completely serious. She only approached me because she needed help and I was in A.P. American History.
How to Make Someone Believe You Completely
Xx LaU BaBii xX (10:47:37 PM): is michigan a state?
Papa Pueblo 89 (10:47:45 PM): no its a republic
Xx LaU BaBii xX (10:47:53 PM): wats a republic
Papa Pueblo 89 (10:47:56 PM): like puerto rico
Papa Pueblo 89 (10:48:03 PM): and hawaii
Xx LaU BaBii xX (10:48:22 PM): but wats the difference between a state n a republic
Xx LaU BaBii xX (10:48:28 PM): i thoguht puerto rico was a countryy
Papa Pueblo 89 (10:48:38 PM): no puerto rico is a republic
Papa Pueblo 89 (10:48:48 PM): usually island countries are republics
Papa Pueblo 89 (10:48:59 PM): like michigan, puerto rico and hawaii
Xx LaU BaBii xX (10:49:07 PM): oo its an island? hmm i neva knew these thingss
Papa Pueblo 89 (10:49:22 PM): thats why all the cars come from detroit, cuz labor is cheaper in republics cuz its a sub-government
Xx LaU BaBii xX (10:49:40 PM): wats a sub government lol
Xx LaU BaBii xX (10:49:45 PM): as u can tlel im a history geniuss
Papa Pueblo 89 (10:49:58 PM): its where its led my a military dictator
Papa Pueblo 89 (10:50:36 PM): but we are still trade sugar and coffee to them so they are recognized as a republic
Xx LaU BaBii xX (10:50:58 PM): i didnt even kno we had dictatorss
Xx LaU BaBii xX (10:51:04 PM): this is all confusingg
Papa Pueblo 89 (10:51:08 PM): lolol where have you been
Xx LaU BaBii xX (10:51:20 PM): lol i thought they were in lik centuries agoo
Papa Pueblo 89 (10:51:23 PM): Vincenzo Guadalupe
Xx LaU BaBii xX (10:51:38 PM): who is thatt lmaoo
Papa Pueblo 89 (10:51:50 PM): the dude who commited mass regicide in Puerto Rico
Xx LaU BaBii xX (10:52:33 PM): does that eman kill alot of people?
Papa Pueblo 89 (10:53:13 PM): lol this is pathetic
Xx LaU BaBii xX (10:53:24 PM): lol im relee dumbb at historyy
Papa Pueblo 89 (10:53:32 PM): no its when you slaughter an entire gender in a city
Xx LaU BaBii xX (10:53:48 PM): so he slaughtered men or womenn
Papa Pueblo 89 (10:53:55 PM): women
Xx LaU BaBii xX (10:53:59 PM): yy
Papa Pueblo 89 (10:54:20 PM): cuz hes a religious extremist
Papa Pueblo 89 (10:54:45 PM): and women who have had their umbilical cord removed, are by the BIble, sinners
Papa Pueblo 89 (10:54:54 PM): kinda sick
Xx LaU BaBii xX (10:54:57 PM): lmaoo
Xx LaU BaBii xX (10:55:02 PM): this dude has a sick mindd
Papa Pueblo 89 (10:55:56 PM): yea thats why Dan Brown was gettin sued by Opus Dei, cuz he shed light on the regicide in the republic
Xx LaU BaBii xX (10:56:08 PM): how do u knoo thiss
Xx LaU BaBii xX (10:56:09 PM): lol
Papa Pueblo 89 (10:56:22 PM): dont you watch espn2?
Xx LaU BaBii xX (10:56:35 PM): noo lol
Papa Pueblo 89 (10:56:38 PM): they have a special on it every tuesday night
Papa Pueblo 89 (10:56:49 PM): happenings in the republics
Papa Pueblo 89 (10:57:07 PM): they wanted to get their own channel but the government wouldnt subsidize their insurance
Xx LaU BaBii xX (10:57:15 PM): lmaoo
Xx LaU BaBii xX (10:57:20 PM): id rather watch one tree hill
Papa Pueblo 89 (10:57:35 PM): are you kiddin me?
Xx LaU BaBii xX (10:57:55 PM): history jus doesnt tickle my picklee
Papa Pueblo 89 (10:58:52 PM): the main girl whos a bitch on one tree hill just filed a class beta action lawsuit against Riddick Yulos for his overproduction of child labor laws
Xx LaU BaBii xX (10:59:22 PM): wattt
Xx LaU BaBii xX (10:59:28 PM): lol i dun even understand wat that meanss
Papa Pueblo 89 (11:00:02 PM): shes gettin like 13 billion dollars and shes gonna donate it all to the orphans in Michigan to fund a group that is against child labor
Xx LaU BaBii xX (11:00:14 PM): which girll
Papa Pueblo 89 (11:00:25 PM): cuz over in those republics theyll have kids workin to the bone to make nike sandals
Papa Pueblo 89 (11:00:34 PM): the one whos a sick bitch
Xx LaU BaBii xX (11:00:38 PM): brooke?
Papa Pueblo 89 (11:00:43 PM): YEA
Xx LaU BaBii xX (11:00:49 PM): lol sophia bushh then
Papa Pueblo 89 (11:00:56 PM): thats the one lol
Xx LaU BaBii xX (11:01:04 PM): lol
Papa Pueblo 89 (11:01:07 PM): shes not such a bitch in real life
Xx LaU BaBii xX (11:01:34 PM): lol eya but she was engaged to chad michael murray so shes not good in my book lol
Papa Pueblo 89 (11:01:49 PM): lol well she may have made Nike collapse
Xx LaU BaBii xX (11:02:00 PM): well nike isnt my fav eitherr lol
Papa Pueblo 89 (11:02:22 PM): Puma is buying out Nike mergers and theyre gonna come out with Puma-Airs
Papa Pueblo 89 (11:02:31 PM): hopefully without child labor this time
Xx LaU BaBii xX (11:02:33 PM): lol r u seriouss
Papa Pueblo 89 (11:03:22 PM): why puma's madd cool
Xx LaU BaBii xX (11:03:39 PM): lol i jus foudn that funny
Papa Pueblo 89 (11:03:52 PM): lol i dunno im buyin em
Papa Pueblo 89 (11:04:08 PM): supposedly their gonna do ads with ipods to boost their rep
Xx LaU BaBii xX (11:04:24 PM): the shoe?
Papa Pueblo 89 (11:04:28 PM): yea
Papa Pueblo 89 (11:04:43 PM): ya know the ads with liek bright white ipods and earphones
Papa Pueblo 89 (11:04:58 PM): theyre gonna make the shoes stand out too
Xx LaU BaBii xX (11:05:11 PM): but then ppl make think theyre tyrin to sell the ipod
Papa Pueblo 89 (11:05:35 PM): well im sure they have it worked out, they probably each get a cut
Xx LaU BaBii xX (11:05:43 PM): lol
Papa Pueblo 89 (11:06:21 PM): and if they get a lil too powerful, reagan's gonna whoop their monkey asses with the Sherbet Anti-Trust Act
Xx LaU BaBii xX (11:06:44 PM): reagan died silly
Xx LaU BaBii xX (11:06:47 PM): i kno that onee!
Papa Pueblo 89 (11:07:05 PM): lol he made the act before he died
Papa Pueblo 89 (11:07:09 PM): its still in action today
Papa Pueblo 89 (11:07:14 PM): i was using a metapho
Xx LaU BaBii xX (11:07:14 PM): oo lol
Papa Pueblo 89 (11:07:18 PM): *metaphor
Xx LaU BaBii xX (11:07:41 PM): gotchyaa lol
Papa Pueblo 89 (11:08:08 PM): lol
Papa Pueblo 89 (11:08:26 PM): well ive had quite a blast informin you on world happenings
Papa Pueblo 89 (11:08:34 PM): we should do this more often
Xx LaU BaBii xX (11:09:16 PM): i knoo
Xx LaU BaBii xX (11:09:21 PM): i want a daily history elsson
Xx LaU BaBii xX (11:09:23 PM): lesson*
Papa Pueblo 89 (11:09:53 PM): you got it
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